13 April 2012

Limboto Lake

Limboto lake is one of the lakes strategically located areas in the province of Gorontalo. The lake is located in the center of the province Gorontao located in two administrative regions, namely the city of Gorontalo (± 70%) and Gorontalo Regency (± 30%). Limboto Watershed geographically located at 122o 42 '0:24'-123o 03 '1:17' BT and 00o 30 '2035 "- 00o 47' 0:49 'LU. It is surrounded by the waters of Lake Limboto 23 villages spread over 4 districts and 2 counties / cities with a population in four districts around the lake is a 463 563 Life with 2,000 people including livelihood as fishermen.

Limboto lake is one of the lakes strategically located areas in the province of Gorontalo. The lake is located in the center of the province Gorontao located in two administrative regions, namely the city of Gorontalo (± 70%) and Gorontalo Regency (± 30%). Limboto Watershed geographically located at 122o 42 '0:24'-123o 03 '1:17' BT and 00o 30 '2035 "- 00o 47' 0:49 'LU. It is surrounded by the waters of Lake Limboto 23 villages spread over 4 districts and 2 counties / cities with a population in four districts around the lake is a 463 563 Life with 2,000 people including livelihood as fishermen. The lake has an area of ​​2537.152 ha Limboto, a depth of 2 to 2.5 meters and has a volume of approximately 23,532,919 m3 of water in the catchment area (DTA) of the lake about 900 km2. The average discharge outlet of the lake that is equal to 8.20 m3/second with minimum hand and the maximum discharge outlet respectively 39.70 and 0.10 m3/second m3/second. The content of the sediment that enters Lake Limboto reach 1-2 million m3/year with an average rate of 38.80 cm3/tahun. Two streams that carry sediment that is high enough for lakes and rivers is the River Biyonga Alo-Pohu respectively sedimennya capacity of 0.1282 kg / s and 0.0342 kg / sec.

Limboto a low lake basin or lagoon that has 23 inlet tributary stream which empties into it, one of the river called the River Biyonga where the water is always flowing into the lake throughout the year. In addition, there are also large watersheds such as Alo-Milalahu River (348 km2) and Pohu River (156 km2) tributary streams, while the smallest is only an area of ​​68 km2. DAS Limboto Unit is part of the Watershed Management Area (SWP-DAS) Bone - which covers 91 004 ha Bolango and one of the critical watersheds in the SWP-DAS Bone - Bolango.

Ecologycal Function

Limboto lake is one of the natural resource assets owned by the Province of Gorontalo. In addition to functioning as a source of revenue for the surrounding community, Limboto Lake serves as the provider of the surroundings clean water, habitat for endemic flora and fauna, catchment flood control, as well as a means of transport, tourism and sports.
Keanakeragaman biological Limboto Lake is one of abundant fishery resources. In the lake there are 17 endemic species of fish consisting of nine native species of fish the lake and 8 species of fish introductions are all from 12 different fish families. Fisheries potential of Lake Limboto owned reaching 616-803 tons / year or Rp. 7 Trillion consisting of Tilapia fish farming (66.2 tons / year), the fish Oreochromis mossambicus (31.4 tons / year), fish Payangga (18.3 tons / year) and fish Manggabai (19.8 tons / year) . There is a local culture of traditional fishing gear called Bibilio gear made ​​from grass to live on the edge of the lake that is used in catching fish in the waters of this lake can be used as the local cultural heritage.

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