Solo River flows in the (two) Province and 7 (seven) districts in Central Java (Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Klaten, Sragen, Blora and Surakarta) and 7 (seven) districts in East Java (Pacitan, Madiun, Ponorogo, Ngawi, Bojonegoro, Tuban, Lamongan, and Gresik). With a length of 600 km and the river + length + 1 230 km sungi child, Solo makes the watershed as the watershed with the major river drainage systems longest on the island of Java. In addition there are the kids of the river is quite large with amount not less than 27 pieces and all entered the main river.

Solo River flows in the (two) Province and 7 (seven) districts in Central Java (Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Klaten, Sragen, Blora and Surakarta) and 7 (seven) districts in East Java (Pacitan, Madiun, Ponorogo, Ngawi, Bojonegoro, Tuban, Lamongan, and Gresik). With a length of 600 km and the river + length + 1 230 km sungi child, Solo makes the watershed as the watershed with the major river drainage systems longest on the island of Java. In addition there are the kids of the river is quite large with amount not less than 27 pieces and all entered the main river.
Land Use System
Solo River watershed has a very wide area coverage, which is around 1.61 million ha. The administration is in three areas, namely Central Java Province, IN Yogyakarta and East Java. Physiographic landscapes ranging from the plain land areas.
Land use and land cover vegetation condition is an element of watershed determine the large-size surface runoff from rainfall caused it. Forms of land use and condition of existing vegetation in the region Watershed also affects the hydrographic river. Regional forest vegetation conditions rains will help reduce surface flow due to the ability of large infiltrasinya. Solo watershed land use in general can be grouped into: forest, rice paddies, fields and plantations, and others (residential, industrial and etc.)
DAS Solo in Central Java, including in the tropics with climate type Table 2.1 Land Cover in the Solo Watershed Year 2006 (Source: interpretation of Landsat ETM in 2006) o according to Koppen majority is Am. Monthly average temperature above 27.4 C, The average humidity is about 66%, solar radiation during the 10.8 hours / day, average wind speed 1.4 m / sec and the average evapotranspiration of about 4.3 mm / day. Solo River Basin have varying rainfall conditions.
Rainfall in the region Upper Solo watershed more than 2,100 mm / yr. In sub-watershed Bengawan Madison, bulk rain is around 1,800 mm / yr, on the slopes of Mount Merapi (Boyolali district and surroundings) of 1465-3298 mm / year, and the basin's rainfall Solo Hilir the less that is between 1400-1600 mm / yr. In total land area in watershed Solo a slope above 15% mencapi 509,331 ha (30.46%), conditions soil that is sensitive and highly sensitive to erosion area reached 937,717 ha (56.09%).
See More About Bengawan Solo
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